Qualifications: MBBS, FRANZCP, Master of Psychiatry, Advanced Certificate of Psychotherapy

Dr Steven Jones is a sessional Consultant Psychiatrist, with an expertise in Psychotherapy. Steven is currently involved in outpatient and inpatient consultations at Delmont Private Hospital.

Steven’s person-centred approach recognises recovery outcomes are unique to each individual. He has a patient care philosophy that values collaborative approaches, working in partnership with GPs, psychologists and health professionals for effective treatment. His multifaceted style of care aims to involve carers and family when appropriate to provide holistic psychiatric care.

Dr Jones is locally trained, attaining his psychiatric qualifications at Melbourne University and Monash University. He has also undertaken further psychotherapy training, obtaining an Advanced Certificate of Psychotherapy.

Dr Steven Jones’ empathetic approach provides holistic, attentive treatment to patients with a variety of conditions. 
